Psychic Attack
What is Psychic Attack
Psychic Attack is when a person sends negative thoughts or feelings to another. This can be intentional or unintentional. When it is intentional it can be performed through ritual to send negativity to a person or a place or both, when it is performed like this it is performed in action & thought through the ritual, then sent to cause discomfort, bad luck and negativity to manifest in that persons life. When it is sent unintentionally it can be because of someone simply thinking negative thoughts about another, this can be because of jealousy, anger & emotional upset.
What are the symptoms of Psychic Attack?
When someone launches a Psychic Attack on another the symptoms may vary depending upon the strength of the attack and the manor in which it is performed and sent. If someone is
thinking badly of you, especially in the case of jealously this can really conjure up strong negative energy, those thoughts will reach you in the form of a mild attack, this can easily be dealt with by daily protection and cleansing. However, when the attack is more severe, such as in Black Magic, Voodoo & dark rituals then the effects will be much harsher.
Some of the symptoms are:
Loss of memory
Sudden fatigue for no reason
Feeling drained
Unable to think clearly
Hearing voices
Feeling of being watched
Loss of self confidence
Loss of energy
Sudden illness which cannot be explained
Sudden difficulties in relationships and finance
Depression for no apparent reason
Acting out of character
Changes in behavior for no reason
Things going wrong with electrical equipment
Things generally going wrong in many areas of your life
Feeling of helplessness
High energy/ the air around you can feel very charged
Visions & hallucinations
Of course this list is not complete and all other factors should be taken in to account. Many of these symptoms may represent a very real health condition such as anxiety and depression, please do consult with the GP if necessary.
To really assess whether or not you are under a form of Psychic Attack it is always
advisable to consult with an energy worker to see what it is you are dealing with and at which strength too. As I previously mentioned with low strength attacks we can deal with those fairly simply, but when the attacks are much darker and stronger they will need to be addressed by a professional.
What can be done to banish the attack and prevent another in the future?
The first thing to do when you feel you may be under a Psychic Attack is to protect yourself, your home & your family members, I even go so far as to protect my pets too. This can be done by surrounding yourself and everyone else and your home in protective white light, then asking the higher energies of the Universe to protect you, I call upon Archangel Michael for protection, I ask him to wrap his wings around me,my home & my family. This needs to be done on a daily basis especially while you feel you are under attack. The next thing to do is do cleanse your home and yourself. I do this by performing a cleansing ritual throughout my house using the elements, Earth, Air, Fire & Water, you can also use White Sage to smudge your home, this is also very effective. You can find many of these simple rituals on the internet, you don't want anything too complicated. I then perform a simple Chakra and Aura cleanse on myself and my family, this I do during a meditation. Again you may find these on the internet.
If the symptoms do not reduces after 3-4 days of the cleansing and protecting then you may need the assistance of a professional energy worker. We do work with the Paranormal and regularly perform house cleansing and clearing, we have a page on our website dedicated to that work and you may enquire on the website. I would not recommend attempting to deal with these higher negative energies by yourself as it is important that they are disposed of and dealt with in the correct manner.
It is important to remember that not everything negative which happens in a persons life is the result of a Psychic Attack, but they are certainly becoming more common place more now than ever before. When we are down our selves or thinking negatively we are opening up our aura to attract more negativity. Also getting drunk
or being stoned can severely weaken our Aura and as a consequence we can attract negative energies to us, and they may stay with us. Our Aura is our first defense against Psychic Attack. Therefore keeping ourselves healthy and happy keeps our defense up. If someone is intent of sending us an attack then there is little we can do to stop that, but the best thing is to maintain our own strength and protection at all times.
Importantly, if you feel you know who the person is who is sending you a Psychic Attack I would not recommend sending it back to them, for three reasons:
1. They may sense that you are attacking them back and up the tempo even more.
2. If something is sent back to another it must not be sent with malice and you may not be able to guarantee that you do not send back a little of your anger or resentment.
3. The safest place to send the energy being sent to you is back into the ground so it can be recycled, that way it hurts no one.
Other things you can do to protect your self from a Psychic Attack are:
- Keep a loving and caring attitude towards others
- Regularly protect your you, your family members and your home with light.
- Keep your self grounded
- Regular meditation
- Cutting cords with people and places you visit
- Asking the Angels for protection
- Keep Black Obsidian Crystal in your home
- When you are in doubt call a professional energy worker to remove Psychic Attack and Spells to keep you clear of dark energies
It is important to practice positive living as much as possible, daily exercise, good food and a healthy lifestyle will greatly reduce your risk of prolonged Psychic Attack. An immediate response when one feels they are being attacked is to attack back, but please remember my three reasons not to do this ( listed above) just simply send the energy of the attack back into the ground and protect yourself. Call in the professionals should you feel unable to cope and need help.
Louisa Marie ( 2nd January 2014)
Tel : 01992 535876
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